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Press Release - CANAL+ is celebrating its 30th birthday: “multi million” success for WILDMOKA’s technology

Celebrating CANAL+'s 30th birthday with WILDMOKA's innovative video generator, creating millions of unique videos in just 3 days.

Broadcast Operator , Content Distribution
Cristian Livadiotti07.18.182 min read


Sophia Antipolis - December 18th, 2014

For CANAL+ 30th birthday, WILDMOKA deployed its video clipping solution Moments Share and generated 1 million unique videos in 3 days.

This year, CANAL+, the leading pay-TV channel in France, is celebrating its 30th birthday. For this occasion, WILDMOKA created a very innovative video generator on CANAL+ website, allowing users to instantly generate unique personalized videos, mashing-up the best archives from the TV channel with variations of an episode of “bref.”, a famous French TV series.

Massively relayed by consumer press and social networks, more than 1 million videos were generated in just 3 days, after reaching 200.000 in a couple of hours. This success was enabled by WILDMOKA’s Moments Share solution deployed with a massively scalable infrastructure powered by Microsoft Azure Cloud and CDN solutions.

This highly successful event puts WILDMOKA in the spotlight. The company showed its capacity to create and deliver instantly unique video clips to dozens of thousands of users at the same time and to share these on social networks. This large-scale deployment of WILDMOKA’s Moments Share solution demonstrates, as announced at the IBC in September this year, that WILDMOKA’s technology enables revenue generating video services.

Cristian Livadiotti and Thomas Menguy, founders of WILDMOKA are proud of the success of this event: “This project illustrates that awesome content associated with personalisation and built-in virality, can reach success immediately, paving new ways for TV content monetisation. Our capacity to generate in real-time millions of personalised videos was put in practice through this very innovative exercise. We demonstrated our ability to deliver delinearized, customized and shareable content towards very large audiences, with an outstanding user experience and very high reliability."

WILDMOKA is a French company specialized in video delinearization, enrichment and monetization. It develops patented technologies that reinvent the TV watching experience. WILDMOKA cloud platform turns in real-time any video source into an enriched, delinearized, navigable and social content, available on any screen through truly innovative applications. The company targets content owners and service providers willing to offer an ever-increasing interaction between end-users and their programs, in order to address new usages, expand their audience and grow the monetization opportunities. WILDMOKA is a profitable company whose products and services have already been selected by major players in Europe and in the US.


Press contact:

Raflin Sarkisyan

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