Channel creation & operation
Seamlessly produce, monetize and distribute curated live streams and linear channels on a global scale across all platforms.
Backlight Live Studio
Create channels from live feeds, with the ability to customize the output according to your destination. Backlight Live Studio is your cloud control room for live stream production, from the sidelines to the newsroom, one platform for producing, multi-versioning and monetizing your live content for global distribution.
Zype Playout
Build and monetize linear TV channels with Zype Playout. Leverage drag-and-drop tools or automate the programming of live or archived videos into linear streams for distribution across digital broadcast, FAST, or O&O platforms.
Zype Streaming Platform
Organize and manage live or VOD assets for your linear channels with Zype’s Streaming Platform. Zype Streaming Platform is a cloud-based online video platform with a built-in CMS, CRM, embeddable HTML5 video player, tools for encoding, monetization, and distribution to web-based platforms, with consumer and content analytics.
See how SHG Living is expanding access to sustainable living programming with Zype Playout.