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Wildmoka Team is back from IBC: What a Success!

Wildmoka Team returns from a successful IBC Show, garnering interest in their innovative solutions for audience engagement and video monetization.

Broadcast Operator , Content Distribution
Cristian Livadiotti07.18.18< 1 min read

ibcWe just arrived back home in southern France after an intense IBC Show, where our solutions were crowned with success! During the five days, we had a total of 80 meetings and collected high-quality information. Service providers as well as content owners showed great interest in our products and were asking for further discussion regarding a possible integration. Prospects were coming from all regions of the world and presented similar problems in the field of audience involvement, monetization, and de-linearization of video streams. In addition, people were really impressed by the capacity of our innovative technologies and the possible use cases.


This is great news for Wildmoka and we already started working on new exciting projects. We would like to thank our partners Envivio and Wyplay, which helped us make this IBC2014 a real success! Within a few weeks, we will communicate on ongoing projects. Follow us on Twitter @Wildmoka

Our booth at the IBC:


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