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Video Analytics for Better Video Management and Consumer Insights

Video Analytics for Better Video Management and Consumer Insights

Broadcast Operator , Content Distribution
Taylor Kirchwehm03.09.172 min read

Welcome to Part 2 of the Zype Analytics Dashboard series. In our Introduction to the Zype Analytics Dashboard, we covered over 20 different metrics that the Zype analytics dashboard supports.

In this post, we will highlight the recent consumer-level additions we’ve made to the analytics dashboard and how this can help you support and service your consumers, develop your marketing strategy, and make high-level business decisions.

But before we get started, here’s a quick definition of what we mean when we say “consumer”. Consumers are end users that have subscribed to one of your plans. Zype allows you to manage the end users of your applications through the dashboard. “Consumers” are effectively “customers”.

Consumer-Level Details


If you are monetizing through subscriptions (SVOD), transactions (TVOD) or pass plans, you’re now able to view consumer email addresses to see which consumer generated a specific player request.

From the Consumers page, you are able to search for a specific consumer name or search by email address to access a Consumer Details page for that specific end user.

Managing Your Consumers


Having control over these features on a per consumer basis is important to the support piece of running a successful video business. Let’s say one of your consumers forgets their password and login information. You’re able to reset and change their password for them with the click of a button from the Zype dashboard.

Similarly, if a consumer is having a difficult time linking their devices, the bottom right of the Consumer Details page provides a place for you to enter the device PIN for the consumer.

Consumer-Level Analytics


To view consumer-level analytics, head back to the Consumers page.

Click on the blue analytics button on the far right side of the Consumers page for the specific consumer email address you’d like to analyze.

You can also access consumer-level analytics from the Consumer Details page.

Making Informed Decisions

How can you use these consumer-level analytics to formulate a marketing plan and make business decisions?

Schedule Emails

You’re able to pull together consumer watching patterns and trends by having access to consumer-level analytics. Insight into when your consumers are watching your content can help you can schedule promotional emails during those increased watching periods.

Content Organization



If you’re going to invest advertising dollars into Facebook, Twitter or other social media accounts, consider segmenting your posts geographically by pulling Zype’s impressions by location analytics to see where your audience is watching your content.

Reward Loyal Consumers

By looking at consumer-level metrics for video player impressions and the number of subscriptions and transactions, you’re able to determine some of your most valuable consumers. Consider rewarding loyal consumers with a free playlist, an individual title or your whole library using redemption codes. Redemption codes can be printed or shared digitally - whatever works for your business.

Go Forth and Be Prosperous

Consumer-level details enable you to support and service your consumers while giving you the data you need to develop marketing plans from the analytics. And it’s all right in the Zype dashboard so that you can run your video business more efficiently from a single video platform.

At Zype, our video analytics are robust and easy to interpret. Click here to request a demo of the Zype video platform.

Take the next step

Talk with our team to discuss your specific challenges and needs.