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Monetize your Live video content in 10 easy steps (Part 2)

Written by Raflin Sarkisyan | 20.07.2018

In the previous article (Part 1), we learned that digital is a highly personalized experience. Therefore, to become the King of the castle, you need the right tools to turn your content into a compelling story and make the viewer a part of it. In “Part 2” we will reveal more direct market insights on Live video content monetization.

Here are the topics for “Part 2”:
(Part 1 contains introduction, some interesting video usage statistics, and the first 5 best key features)

6. Scale up with Twitter Amplify, Facebook Media and YouTube Monetization

Branded content was one of the first forms of television marketing. Click To Tweet

In fact, when soap operas appeared in the 1930s, they were sponsored by brands. One company sponsored each show and controlled the ads.

Today Twitter Amplify allows you to extend your engagement by creating co-branded content that Twitter can then send out not only to followers, but also to other users who may also be interested.

When it comes to other video content monetization platforms, we also have partner integrations with Facebook Branded Content and YouTube Monetization.

7. Dynamic overlays

Also, adding graphic elements on top of your video is a great way to brand it. Our platform could enable you to add multiple dynamic elements (logo appearing for a couple of seconds, fading in and out...) in order to create engagement in a seamless way.

8. Post on multiple channels…

…and choose them wisely. We can actually allow you to push to numerous destinations simultaneously and all are customizable (you can use a different message & strategy for each social network). #cool, right?

9. Tagging

Furthermore, try tagging people and companies in your video posts for more visibility, SEO optimization & engagement with your partners/sponsors.

10. Automation

Last but not least, you could ramp up to maximum content delivery speed and volume by automatically creating and pushing near-live highlights. Without the ability to almost automatically deliver moments from breaking news or sports events, you risk your content never being seen. This is why we have developed a complete automated workflow to deliver both immediate content and the high level of customization desired by viewers.

Why does it pay off?

To resume, there is an enormous gap between professional video editorial processes and the split-second pace of social media. And the way to provide ultimate user experience and build a loyal viewership is to give your audience personalized content. Thus, you need to adapt the storytelling to their favorite social platform. Keeping up with the viewers’ demands today is a race and this race cannot be won with legacy tools.

So, do you want to be a part of the greatest moments from live TV? Click on the button below to get in touch!